Thursday, September 07, 2006

Viewing what God has Called me to Do as a Blessing and Not a Burden.

Viewing what God has Called me to Do as a Blessing and Not a Burden. I am a Stay at Home Wife first. I am also a Stay at Home Momma. I am also a Stay at Home Homemaker and HomeschoolTeacher. I often times find myself very discouraged and not wanting to be home taking care of our home , and my Family. The reason I often times find myself so discouraged and not wanting to take care of my Family and Home is because I leave God out of the Picture until the End of the Day. God should be the first in my Life not the Last and he should not get the Leftovers he should get the First Fruits of all I do. Then I can serve my Beloved Darling Husband and DarlingDaughter and other Family Members with True Happiness and Cheer and Sweet Attitude and a Sweet Manner. My Husband,Daughter and the Rest of My Family Deserves to have Me in a Good Happy Mood so they in Return will be in a Good Happy Mood. I have found that when I don't Give God the First Fruits of all I do Everyone Suffers Especially Me. I will choose to be Up Early to Give God all my First Fruits from Now on. I will Choose Peace, Joy, Cheery Attitude , Actions and Manners, I will choose True Happiness . I will choose Contentment and Most of all I will be in God's Will for my life as well as the Life of my Family.

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