Working Happily in our Homes:
Titus 2:4-5(KJV) Titus 2:4-5 is talking about Older Women being Mentors to Younger Women Teaching them to Be Keepers of their own Homes and be Happy about Keeping the Home.
That they may teach the young women to be sober(not drunk), to love their husbands(own husband), to love their children(own children).
To be discreet,chaste,keepers at home,(Staying Home and Taking Care of their Own Family,as well as their own Home)(Not busy visiting others while there Family and Home Suffers)good,obedient(submissive to their own Husbands)to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed(Do not Take God's Word by Prayer,Daily Devotionals,Talking about God with your family for Granted nor Talk with a Trashy Mouth or Take God's Name in Vain).
Daily I must submitt to God first and formost then to my Beloved Husband .
When I have my Daily Time with God my home ,family and I are all so much Happier.
I notice that I do so much better spending time with God daily then when I put him last.
God should always be first and then everything else goes so much better for my family and I.
So when I submitt daily to God by Spending time with God in Prayer ,Daily Devotionals and Giving totally myself to him daily I am better for it and I work more Happily at Home.